Calendar of Union Events

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

BARGAINING UPDATE - Hostage situation at 7 East 12th Street!

Your UCATS bargaining team was held hostage tonight by NYU. We were told that, unless we agreed to some of the proposals they put forward for the first time tonight, they would not present their wage or health insurance proposals.

In addition to denying us those crucial proposals, NYU submitted a proposal to us that would make the grievance and arbitration process the SOLE REMEDY in cases of discrimination.

We told NYU we would not be held hostage, and we need to see their wage and health insurance proposals in order to bargain.

Come join us Wednesday night at 5:30 for the contract rally and put the pressure on NYU to bargain with us! RAIN or SHINE - bring your umbrellas!

Wednesday, October 26
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
7 East 12th Street