Calendar of Union Events

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Contract ballots in the mail

The contract ratification election is underway and a ballot has been mailed to your home. The ballot will come from the American Arbitration Association (see image above). Follow the enclosed instructions to mark your vote and return it as soon as possible. Your ballot must be received by February 13 to be counted.

If you have not received a ballot by Monday, January 30, call the American Arbitration Association at 1-800-529-5218 to request one.

The tentative agreement only becomes the contract if a majority of members who vote, vote FOR ratification. The UCATS Executive Council recommends that you vote in favor of ratification. A summary of the agreement is included with the ballot. For more information, go to our website,

Remember: If you don't vote, you are letting someone else decide for you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Contract Ratification Vote

The contract ratification election is underway! A ballot will be mailed to your home. Keep an eye on your mailbox, and keep checking this blog over the next few days for further details.

Monday, January 9, 2012

General Membership Meeting - Contract Tentative Agreement

The tentative agreement we reached with NYU on December 8 will be presented to the membership at a meeting on Thursday, January 12, at 5:30 pm. We have reserved the Eisner & Lubin Auditorium on the 4th Floor of the Kimmel Student Center for this meeting. The floor will be open for questions and comments. The tentative agreement only becomes the contract if a majority of members who vote in the ratification election vote to accept the agreement. Ballots will be mailed the week of January 16.

There will be additional area meetings as follows:

Thursday, January 12
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
NYU Dental Center, Room 612

Wednesday, January 18
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Furman Hall, 245 Sullivan St., Rm. C10

Wednesday, January 18
6:00 PM
7 East 12th Street, Rm. LL-23