Calendar of Union Events

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Schedule for first year wage increases

The implementation schedule for the 1% wage increase in the first year of the new contract is as follows:

· March 9: 1% increase to salary in paycheck for all bargaining unit members with the exception of 34 employees that have special compensation issues (i.e., promotions, leaves of absences, longevity increases, etc.)

· April 6: 1% increase to salary in paycheck for the 34 exceptions

· April 19: Retroactive payments of the 1% increase effective 9/4/2011

Those members who are among the 34 exceptions have been notified by NYU.

Friday, March 2, 2012

UCATS Membership Meeting March 13

UCATS Membership Meeting
When: Tuesday, March 13, 5:30 pm
Where: Vanderbilt Hall, 40 Washington Square South, Rm. 216

We are meeting primarily to elect our delegates to the 2012 American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Convention. This event is where elected delegates from affiliated union locals set the agenda of our national federation.

This year, the convention will be held in Detroit, MI from July 27-30 (Thursday-Monday). All UCATS members are entitled to run for a delegate position and to make nominations of other members to be delegates. UCATS is allotted a total of 12 delegates.

The election will be conducted by secret ballot at the meeting. If you have questions about being a delegate, please contact UCATS president Stephen Rechner at