We are returning to the bargaining table with NYU on Thursday, December 1.
There will be a membership meeting on Wednesday, December 7, at 5:30 p.m., in Vanderbilt Hall, 40 Washington Square South, Room 210.
In addition to discussing the status of contract bargaining at the meeting, we will also be electing our delegates to the 2012 NYSUT Representative Assembly (RA). This event is where elected delegates from affiliated union locals set the agenda of our state federation. This year the NYSUT RA will be held in Buffalo, NY from April 26-28, 2012. All UCATS members are entitled to run for a delegate position and/or to nominate other UCATS members to be delegates. UCATS is allotted 14 delegates. The election will be conducted by secret ballot at the meeting. If you have specific questions about being a delegate contact Stephen Rechner at ucatspres3882@hotmail.com.
Wednesday, December 7
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
40 Washington Square South
Vanderbilt Hall, Room 210