Members of your UCATS bargaining team were there to leaflet the crowd and spread the word about our big rally Tuesday evening.

UCATS shop steward and bargaining team member Chris Crowe got up in front of the Occupy Washington Square Park general assembly and delivered the following speech:

Greetings! My name is Christopher Crowe. I’m a proud member of UCATS Local 3882,
which represents the 99% at NYU.
Our contract expires TOMORROW. We’ve been negotiating with NYU for six weeks. Their proposal – paltry raises. Huge givebacks on healthcare. And the elimination of our right to sue for
We’ve brought our membership out and they’ve been GREAT. But now we appeal to all of you for help.
We’re rallying Tuesday, November 1st at 7 East 12th Street at 5:15 and you are all invited.
NYU is one of the largest employers in the most important city in the country. What it does matters, not just to its workers but to ALL workers. Your fight is ours. Our fight is yours.